Easy come Easy go

This melancholic feeling give me the urge to write something.

Friends come and go whatever they want. Yes, this is something that bothers me all day long. Because no matter how much I miss them, they don’t seem to make an effort to meet me up. They keep telling me they miss us together, but it only remains “statement”. I understand, they are busy with their own business. We are growing up and life is not only about fun.

I realize it is hard to maintain a good relationship. New people come whenever they like, and go whenever they don’t need us anymore. It’s hurting, yes I admit. I’ve felt it.

I remember when I was in kindergarten, none of my classmate wanted to become my friend. I remember that awful feeling when I just sit alone on the bench while my friends were playing around the playground with happy faces. I can’t forget the day when my class got a new student from other country, I was very excited because I felt I would finally got a friend. But I was wrong, she preferred to leave me for the girl who act like a leader of all my friend in kindergarten. That leader girl hated me and told all of my classmates to stay away from me. I don’t know why. Maybe because I’m ugly or something.

In elementary school, I slowly forgot the way that leader girl treated me.

I finally got a friend. Lots of friends. But it was not as beautiful as it was supposed to be. My friend came to me just because I had something that they didn’t. They didn’t really like me anyway. But in the end, I got a friend who really cared for me. But it didn’t last long, after graduated from elementary school, we split up and never met again up till now.

My life changed when I was in junior high school. I got four beautiful friends that can bring lots of laughter in my whole life. Our friendship last long, I believe we’ll keep it forever.

I don’t want to talk a lot about my high school life. It was indeed a great fun. But there’s not much I can tell about it. Now that my high school friends are busy with their college life in another country, so it’s hard for us to meet up.

Now, I’m in the college. To be in this state is fun. I wonder what will it be when I have to leave this college life. What will I do next? Will my friends remember me when I’m finally graduated and had to leave this city for work? I don’t know, because friend come and go with no clue. Sometimes, it gets me miserable when a friend come to me just because they need me to listen to their laments, but after their problems solved, they begin to forget me. It makes me feel like I’m used. This is not fair─ and so cruel.

I don’t bother if someone tells her/his problem to me, I sincerely with all my heart will listening to them. It’s such a life satisfaction knowing there is someone out there trusts you to share her/his life story. It indeed makes me happy, I can also learn from them.

I’m the type of person who tries my best to make a friend. I try to be kind, so that they can come closer to me. It merely because I don’t want to repeat that same damn thing to happen in my life.

Well, it is sad knowing the fact that we once had lots of friend but we can’t keep all of them to stick with us forever. Because people change, so do their hearts. Ooooh boy, so this is what we call “life”, when we get the new one, we begin to forget the old one.

I’m Still Alive

I’ve finally woke up from my years hibernation.

How’s world? Is it fine?

Because when I opened my eyes this morning, everything seemed not clear anymore. Knowing that I’m the one who left behind, makes me think that I’m not good enough to be called as a “person”. I’ve been living in a very comfort stage in my life. Stuck in a certain place and refuse to move on.

People say, “don’t look back.” Yes, I did do that. But then I realize that life is not only about present, we have our past memories to remember and the future to be dreamt. Every past has the power to make us stronger. I was too ignorance with that. I tended to forget the bad memories and live my present with a simple thing. Not so challenging. Flat.

Future? I didn’t even think about that. I daren’t to dream. Even the sight of my tomorrow seemed hard to imagine. Thought that live is like water. All we have to do is just go with the flow. Never thought about what you will be or what you will do. Just keep silent and wait for something to come. Simple, yet aimless.

‘till the day a friend of mine told me about her future. The dreams she always writes in the beginning of the new year as her resolution. How those dreams she has will always come true by the end of the year. About the faith that makes her got all she wants. It’s all true and so unconsciously happens.

Then I was hooked up to do something to make my life brighter. Stop being ignorance and take the challenge. Live my life like there’s no tomorrow, but dare to dream like we will never die. So, that I can make the world believe that I am still alive. (:

And maybe this is the song that resembles my heart so much.

Welcome Back, Me

It feels like years since the last time I wrote on this blog. I’ve been very busy with my college assignment so I can’t write very often. Actually, I have an idea for a short story that I can’t spoil it now because I can’t do both writing and doing my plenty assignments. I know it’s too bad. If I had a choice, I would like to fill this blog up rather than stuck in front of computer doing my analytical stuffs that I don’t even have any idea whether those are understandable by my lecturers or not. Yea, I’m nearly sick of it. I feel that what I’ve been done is not the same with my passion. I’m feeling forced but I have no strength to make it up or turn back the time.

I always imagine if I could have a superpower, I’d like to be a time controller. So I could make everything up as I wish.

But, it got me to think twice.

Life is a choice. If you once made a choice, then you would live with that choice. There is no space for regret. All you have to do is forget yesterday and make a better tomorrow.

I was getting offended by my lecturer’s comment on my past assignment which was given back to me the day before yesterday. It only said “Oh my God!” but it was successfully made me thought that I am the stupidest student in English Literature. I really want to forget it but that words keep floating in my mind like a cannonball. I was blaming myself for doing such a horrible mistake. However, it also made me thought that I need to practice more and more. My English is long way from good and there’s still so much to learn. That’s why I need to fill this blog up with lots of writing so I can improve my English.

Every time I read my friends’ writing, I always feel small. They are just incredible. I’m just an amateur compares to them. That indeed made me down.

Now I think I have to stop comparing myself to everyone. Because people are great on their own way. And I have my own way, so I’ll do it my way. Just believe that I’d be great someday in my own way.

Perhaps, I’ll be off from this blog for a couple of month. But I’ll be back when everything’s settled. Since this blog is not for commercial purpose, so I think I don’t disappoint anyone for my absence in such a long time. Oh, maybe I’m too confident. Who will wait for my upcoming post? I’m just nobody. What a silly thought of mine. Okay, ignore it.

From now on, I consider this blog as my virtual diary, so I can put everything here (since the first purpose why I made this blog was because of my creative writing’s obligation). I’ll put my poems, fictions, thoughts and even my story in this blog, because I need to force myself to keep writing.

My duty is not over yet. I still have some final papers to be done in a very short time, then go to a remote village to do some community services for a month. So, I don’t think I can make a post during that time.

Last but not least, I wanna make a shout out for my creative writing lecturer, Zoe— I’ll miss that creative writing class. If only there was a creative writing major here, I would probably take that course for sure. I want to learn everything about it so badly.

And for my virtual diary, see you next time. I’ll fill you up as soon as possible. I promise. xxx

The Moon that Embraces the Sun

Hai, what’s up?!

How have you been?

Today, I want to write something but I don’t know what do I have to write. Silly, isn’t it? okay, let me just write another random post for now. Hmm.. actually I’m interested to write about a Korean drama I’ve finished a month ago. It’s okay if you don’t wanna read it, I’m just thinking that I must post it because I really want to share it. LOL.

Okay, what I want to share is my favorite scenes in a Korean drama entitled ‘The Moon that Embraces the Sun’. Does anyone know about this drama? It’s quite popular in Korea anyway. I heard the rating kept increasing from the first until the last episodes. I really recommended this drama because the story is too sweet to insist. You can watch it by yourself if you don’t trust me. (:

Hhmmm… First of all let me tell you a little bit about the drama.

해를 품은 달

It’s about a love story between a Crown Prince ‘Lee Hwon’— who is later becomes the King— and a Minister’s daughter ‘YeonWoo’. They both met in the palace when they were still young, and then they fallen in love. FYI, this was their first love and as the crown prince, it is allowed for Lee Hwon to marry YeonWoo eventhough they were still young. But when they were going to married, there were some people in the palace who wanted to scotch that marriage, so those wicked people asked a shaman to kill YeonWoo. Fortunately instead of killed YeonWoo, the shaman made her conscious for some hours and told everyone that she’s died. To save YeonWoo from death, the shaman made her memories disappear. Until 8 years later, she is finally able to meet her first love again who is now already become a king. They both can’t recognize each other when the first time they met because Yeonwoo has lost her memories. But then she can regain them and lived happily ever after with King Lee Hwon.

Are you getting curious? You better get this drama immediately because I don’t want to tell the detail of this drama. Hehe.

Okay, before I give my well-prepared – screen-captured picture from this drama. I’ll introduce you the main characters that I repeatedly said above.

The Young Lee Hwon

Yeo Jin Goo

As young Lee Hwon

The Young YeonWoo

Kim Yoo Jung

As young Yeon Woo

King Lee Hwon

Kim Seo Hyun

As Lee Hwon

Yeon Woo

Han Ga In

As Yeon Woo

Yap, ready for the teaser? here we go!

Ooops, I almost forgot, before I give you the picture, I’ll give you a theme song. I love this song because when I hear this song is played, the feeling of sadness in this drama can suddenly appear in my mind. so, I think this song is definitely meant to be made for this drama.

Have you played the song?

Well, let’s go!

The first time Lee Hwon and Yeon Woo met.

If you look at the scene. you may think this is quite cheesy, well, I can’t doubt it. But, this scene have successfully made me smiling unstoppable because it’s cheesy but sweet. haha.

and this is when suddenly wind comes and blowing up the umbrella. XD

Next, is when they about to be married. Lee Hwon make a puppet show in front of Yeon Woo’s room to amuse her who is missing her family.

The way Lee Hwon invite Yeon Woo to watch the show is so romantic. I can hardly believe that kid in that age can do such a romantic thing. I envy them.

Crown Prince Lee Hwon and Yeon Woo are watching a puppet show.

Here, some scenes when Yeon Woo have to leave the palace because of her mysterious disease. I was crying when I watched this. T__T

Can you see Lee Hwon’s sad face when he can’t let Yeon Woo go? The reason why I cried when I watched this is because of him. It’s like his sadness can be transferred very well to the viewer. Geez, Yeo Jin Goo is indeed a brilliant actor, I can’t believe he’s only 15.

Now, I give you some scenes when they are grown up.

Lee Hwon and Yeon Woo 8 years later

This is the first time they meet after 8 years. They can’t recognize each other because Yeon Woo lost her memories.

Lee Hwon feels that the one he sees is Yeon Woo. But Yeon Woo can’t remember anything, even her own name.

Seems the faith has determined them to be together. So, after the accidental meeting in the wood. They meet again in the palace.

Kyaaaaa~ I almost died watching this scene~ It’s like there was ten thousand butterflies flying in my stomach upside down!

With the candles around them, I see this scene is very romantic. Eventhough the story here is not as beautiful as the setting. LoL.

This is when Lee Hwon gets bored and asks her to have some fresh air. They, stop in front of Yeon Woo’s ex-room.

I don’t know Lee Hwon intention to do such a thing. But, it’s so sweet and quite cheeky, and I like it. haha.

They looks awkward to sit together in front of citizen, don’t they? In this scene, I like when Lee Hwon asks Wool (Yeon Woo’s name when she still can’t remember her real name) to send his message to Yeon Woo. Here they are:

His last smile makes me die standing! Kyaaaaaa~ I lose my mind!!

Okay, next scene please…

This is when Yeon Woo wants to leave Lee Hwon because the rumor has spread in the palace that she is trying to seduce the King. But, Lee Hwon doesn’t want to let her go.

Finally, Yeon Woo regained her memories. After all the tears and sacrifices she’s done. King Lee Hwon bring her to the palace and hid her in a secret place behind King’s room. But, to be hid in the secret place is not an easy thing to do. There are still many problem to solved regarding the mystery of Yeon Woo’s past.

There are some unexpected thing happens to Yeon Woo and Lee Hwon. but, with their existence for each other, their problem can be solved easily. Here’s some proof that they are care about each other. And always be in each other side when one is crying to give some comfort.

Lee Hwon gives a hug for Yeon Woo who is crying


vice versa

When all the conflict and problem are solved. They live happily ever after as the King and the Queen. Here is the ending scene which is very beautiful and romantic. ❤

Sweet Ending

Finally… are you enjoying the show? I’m also contented to reveal my favorite scenes in The Moon that Embraces the Sun. if you don’t satisfied with the my screen-captured picture,  I’ll give you some more pictures I’ve got from googling in the next post because I think it’s overloaded here. Enjoy and see you later! (:

What is Friend?


A friend asked me why I want to be her friend. She thought she’s ugly, she’s not clever, she’s not a good person, she never threats me well, and so and so and so on…

Well, let me tell you that you mean so much for me and I have no answer for your question, friend. One thing that I know is, I’m happy to be your friend and you don’t have to care about whatever people think about you.

Sometimes people may forget what the meaning of a friend. For me, a reason why I don’t want to lose my friend is just I don’t want to be alone. I need a friend to share my happiness and help me to solve my problem. That’s why I’m always afraid when my friend hates me and then leaves me without giving me any reason. Because sometimes, a friend or a best friend can act more than a lover. They can give you more comfort than a lover does.

I’m not an expert. I’m just an ordinary human who knew nothing. But as far as I know, with my tiny knowledge, I can describe that a true friend is like this:

  1. Understands each other’s condition and understands each other’s feeling.
  2. Never mock behind their back and never envying them.
  3. Always supports what other’s doing.
  4. Make something’s right when everything goes wrong.
  5. Share happiness and sadness together.

So, for you, my friend, please don’t keep asking that stupid question. You don’t have to be good to be my friend because I too, realize that I’m not a good friend for you. The most important thing is, we understand each other’s badness and goodness, that’s why we can be a good friend. J


Dedicated to my friend who is still looking for the meaning of friendship.

Another Random Post about My Crush

Last night, I dreamt about my last crush. I feel strange, because it happens not only once. I even can’t remember what millions times he came up in my dreams. What does it mean?

I thought I’ve let him go since a very long time ago. Because I definitely know that he will never see me and he has already have girlfriend. And now, I have considered him as my friend. Just friend. No expecting more. My feeling towards him has lessening day by day, but why he’s still coming? I don’t understand.

 I never tell any friend about this crush, because it just makes me hurt more. I think, if I tell them about it they will pry it up continuously, so I won’t able to forget him. And it works. I have no feeling for him anymore. Until today.

People say that if there is someone you like keeps appearing in your dream even though you don’t think about him, it means you really like him and can’t forget him. Is that true? So, do I still like him now? I can’t even understand my feeling. Or I’m fooling my own feeling for these very long times? What wrong with me actually? I definitely have no more feeling for him. I’m sure. And I don’t lie.

Haaaah…. Maybe it’s just a silly thought.

So, there is something I want to say to you, my crazy little crush. Please stop appearing in my dreams. I don’t want to live under your shadow. I have to keep moving on without looking back onto the memories of you. Adios…. And come no more.

A Random Post about Friend and Inspiration

Tonight, I suppose to do my proposal’s assignment which has to be submitted tomorrow morning. But my brain cannot work well this time, because this assignment is too demanding to be done, makes me stress and even balding my head.

So, I end up writing this quite random post.

Actually, I was feeling so blue today. I was so upset because of some random friends who made me feel ignored and alienated. But, I don’t want to talk about these friends. It will make me hate them, I don’t want to make another foe anyway. I don’t want to be hating nor hated. That’s why I tried very hard to forget it.

And now, I feel so much better after watched some One Direction’s videos. I’m really thankful for those boys because they make me smile and laugh a lot in my gloomy day. Then, I played my playlist on my cell phone, the first song which came up was ‘Best Thing I never Knew I Needed’ by Neyo and I start realizing about something, something that I never knew that I have it and I needed.

Sometimes I think my greatest inspiration in my life and in every work I write is only my family, nature, and God. But NO! I was wrong. I realize that, lately my friends are the greatest inspiration for me. Why? Because I and my friends are growing together, we play together, talk with each other in a very long time each day, shares our happiness, and even share our sadness together.

Actually, it’s not easy for me to make a friend. I am not a type of person who can quickly adapt with a new environment, even friends. I’m unlike anyone else who can easily talk to a new person. Why? Because I need an adaptation, I tend to like someone whom I comfortable with. Now I ask you, have you ever felt that you are not connected with someone? I mean, even you and that person are classmates and have known each other for a very long time, you can’t just speak to her/him comfortably. I tell you, I often experience it and it makes me feel awkward when other friends leave me with just the two of us.

I have 4 best friends in my hometown, they’re like my second family. We’ve been knowing each other for almost 9 years and we never had a quarrel since the first time we met. I love them as much I love my family. We rarely spend our time together now because we’re in different university. But we still keep in contact in social network, sms, and phone.

Now, I’ll tell you about my friend who have inspired me for these recent days. They are the owner of www.warmsandybeach.wordpress.com (Aggata), www.januarain.wordpress.com (Riris or I usually call her ‘pohon’) and www.ajengj09.wordpress.com (ajeng). You know guys, you are the best thing I never knew I needed (maybe you should listen to that song and FYI, Aggata is the one gave me that song some days ago)). Why? Because they’ve supported me so much to write some works in my blog. They are my only classmates who I know they always read my blog, give some comments and even like my posts. I don’t know why, but it means so much for me. It’s like I can finally feel being supported by someone. I feel so happy because of it. Doubtless. Indeed.

They are the only one I comfortable to talk with. I always feel being listened when I talk to them. FYI, I hate when someone isn’t listening to me when I’m talking to him/her. That’s why I like them. They’re unlike another. They never speak rudely, never underestimate me, nor saying some bad words I don’t like. It’s fun to talk with them, it’s like I finally find my soulmate (hmm.. okay I think this is too much but there is no other word can describe this feeling, so for now, it’s okay). We often share our opinion. They’re supporting me with their own way which I like. I know, sometimes I can get upset because of them, but it doesn’t mean that I hate them. I’m a type of person who can forget anyone mistake easily, just give me sometimes to be alone and I will be better in some hours. But, if there anyone who makes a mistake that is too excessive, I’m sure I would not talk to that person anymore.

Their works are my inspiration. They are gems but they don’t realize it. I feel so encouraged to make a good work everytime I read their works in their blog. But, I want you to know that it doesn’t mean I don’t read other works I follow, I do read them, all of them. But they don’t notice it because I do it silently. Hehe. I think they are all incredible, I’m nothing compared to them.

Review for One Direction

Haiii…. What’s happening?

Today, I feel like I want to write about One Direction. Let’s call it a review, but I’m not really sure because actually it’s all about my opinion regarding that most popular newcomer band nowadays. Hmmm.. I think it’s okay, since the meaning of review and opinion are quite alike (me starting to make my own unreasonable conclusion. LOL). Anyway, is there any of you who don’t know One Direction? You? You? You? Don’t know One direction? Heyyy…. Where have you been recently? Another space? Jungle? Oh sorry.. I’m going crazy.. @_@

Actually, I’ve been knowing One Direction for only some couple of months. LOL. So, for you who still haven’t known anything about the boys, we are on the same boat anyway. Sorry for my rude introduction, I just want to make it funnier (what’s wrong with me? I think I should go to psychiatry for sure). Although they are still a newbie in the music industry, I love them since the first time I saw them. Can I call myself a Directioners now?

Okay, how should I start this? Oh, first of all I want you to know that this review is based on my own opinion, so if there is any information here that you think it’s wrong, don’t mind to correct me. I make this review based on what I saw, what I heard and what I read. Hope you enjoy this. (:

Should I start now?

Let’s begin with some introduction about the band. One direction is a British-Irish boy band consists of 5 members, later I will give you the information about each member. This group was formed from a British version of a television show called The x Factor. I don’t have any idea what show is this, because it was not aired in Indonesia. From what I read in Wikipedia, each member was casted for male solo singer, but then they were expelled from that category. However, the judges still saw some potential from them so they were formed to be in one group named One Direction. They gained so much popularity since then.


One Direction

Now, the boys have released their debut album entitled Up All Night after they were out with their debut single ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ and ‘Gotta be You’. For your information, Up All Night is also a title for one of their song in the album. *playing Up All Night song* “I wanna stay up all night and jump around until I see the sun. I wanna stay up all night and find a girl and tell her she’s the one.” Ooops, *cough* *clearing my throat* Let’s stop singing and go back to the topic. All of their songs in this album are easy listening and catchy, I can guarantee you will not regret to buy the album. They are currently on their tour to promote their debut album. They’ve been in America sometimes ago and now I think they’ve already in Australia. I wonder if they will visit Indonesia as well. Hmmm.. if they do, will I able to see them? Haaah.. I don’t think so. But it’s okay, I know God will give me a chance to meet them if He want me to (cheering myself).

Well, it’s time to introduce you the members of One Direction. The pictures below are captured by me from their music video Gotta be You and One Thing. I’m not sure that the pictures came out well because it was very difficult for me to capture them while they are singing. But I really tried my best to make a good capture.

Let’s begin from the most handsome and the sexiest person all over the world. My favorite.


Name: Zain Jawaad Malik

Better known as: Zayn Malik

Born: January, 12nd 1993

He is from West Lain Baildon, Bradford, England. A British-Pakistani boy, maybe that’s why he got that pretty, handsome, cute and exotic face. Moreover, he has a beautiful-heavenly voice which is hard to explain. I think he has a role to make some ornament in every song they sing so it sounds good and more beautiful to be listened. He can also reach every high note that can not be done by the other members.  Don’t believe it? You can prove it by yourself when you listen to their song or watch their live performances. Zayn also has a unique accent instead of his strong British accent, it’s like the mixture of a little bit British accent, some middle-east accent, and it also a little bit sounds like Indian. I don’t even know what kind of accent is it, but I love it. Geez, I think he has got me falling for him. I even can’t accept the fact that I’m 2 years older than him. Do you know what I like the best from Zayn? his eyelashes! as a girl, I’m envying his so much!


See? He has long, thick and curved eyelashes. Don’t you think this is unfair for woman?

Next, is the cutest person in the band.


Name: Niall James Horan

Better Known as: Niall Horan

Born: September, 13th 1993

He is the only Irish and the only person who has a blonde hair among the member. He was born in Mulligar, Country Westmeath, Ireland. Guitar is like his half life, he likes to play it since childhood. He ever said in the interview that his guitar is the best present he ever received for Christmas. Although he does not usually get much chance to sing in the group, but I see he is a funny guy. I think he is the second funniest person in the member after his bandmate, Louis. He is quite talkative too. What I like from Niall is his teeth, his blue eyes and his blonde hair, because they make him looks so cute. Now he has dental braces on his teeth. But, he still looks cute with that.


This is a picture before he had the dental braces. He looks cuter when he smiles like this.

This is the hottest and the sweetest person among the member.


Name: Liam James Payne

Better Known as: Liam Payne

Born: August, 29th 1993

He is from Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England. He is the one who always sing the first. Why I call him the hottest? Because he got abs on his belly. kyaaaa~ it makes me even crazier! He’s also a sweet guy because he is the one who love fans so much, he often does a tweetvid to greet their fans all over the world. I heard that Liam was born 3 weeks early and one of his kidney is scarred and dysfunctional, so he had to have 32 injection on his arms every morning and evening as a child. Maybe that’s why he got those abs, he has to maintain his condition to stay healthy as a public figure who has to do lots of busy schedules. For you who begin to interested with this guy, prepare your heart! Because he is taken, he is currently in a relationship with Danielle Peazer. I was also disappointed and sad the first time I heard that he already has a girlfriend. But then, I realize who I am, I’m just his new fans and he doesn’t even know me, though. Haha. I just want to be realistic and I think it’s silly to feel disappointed about that matter. But I still love you as a fan Liam! Don’t worry. Liam has a long curly hair before one thing mv is released.


He looks cute here, doesn’t he? But it’s a little bit weird for me because he actually had a short and straight hair when he was still in The X Factor. How could it turns curly afterwards?

Next is the oldest and funniest person in the band.


Name: Louis William Tomlinson

Better Known as: Louis Tomlinson

Born: December, 25th 1991

He is from Doncaster, South Yorkshire, England. He is the only member whom I can understand the accent. Maybe that’s why he always be the host in every One Direction’s show. Moreover, he is a funny guy. If you watch their shows, you will see that he is the one who always make the other members laugh. I am also laughing so hard everytime I see him doing a funny thing in the shows. I think he is the mood maker in the group. Same with Liam, Louis has already had a girlfriend. As the oldest member in the band, he looks the same with the other member. Slightly, he may not looks very handsome, but if you see from the other angle, you’ll find out that he is quite good looking.


Here, what do you think?

The last person is the youngest member of the band.


Name: Harry Edward Styles

Better Known as: Harry Styles

Born: February, 1st 1994

He is from Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, England. Elvis Presley is his favorite singer and he said that Elvis is one of his influence. As long I know Harry, he always looks sleepy all the time. He can sleep anywhere and everywhere. So, I think he is a sleepy head. Harry is quite more silence than the other member, but he can be as crazy as the other. He is quite close with Louis, fans often consider them as a broomance couple because they often shares kiss. LOL. I also heard that Harry will be mad if Louis doesn’t say ‘I love you’ in the end of their phone conversation. What the hack is it?? I nearly can’t believe it when the first time I knew that such crazy habit, but now I think it’s cute and funny. LOL. I love that couple! What I like so much from Harry is his style. His style is so ‘teenage’.


Harry Style, I love your style!

Lastly, if you want to know more about them, you can follow their personal twitter @zaynmalik @OfficialNiall @Real_Liam_Payne @Louis_Tomlinson @Harry_Styles or @onedirection. Before I end this. I’ll give you some bonus! Below, I give you some picture that I capture from one thing mv. If you want to see the mv, you can find it easily on youtube.These pictures are the moments that I like the most. Hope you like it either.












Do you like kid?

I love kid so much! For me, kids are the most beautiful creature in the world. They are so cute and naive. I’m always wondering why they have to grown up even though I know the reality is that everybody needs to grow up. Okay.. That’s just a silly thought of me. Please forgive me.

Usually, I like a little kid in the average age of 1 to 5 years old, because they are so cute in that age. But when those kids have already become older, I will begin to dislike them. LOL. You probably think that I am a bad person. Yeaaa… I you’re right. But don’t you think that when a kid is getting older and older and finally he/she becomes adult, his/her innocence disappears for somewhat reasons. That’s why I like kids when they are just kid.

Recently, I’ve been following a kind of Korean variety show called Hello Baby. Hello baby is a variety show where an idol group pretend to be fathers or mothers of a children for 3 months. This program has now reached season 5. And the guest star for this season 5 is a group idol named MBLAQ.

For you who are familiar with K-Pop will definitely knows this boy band. Or probably you are a fan of MBLAQ, you have to know everything about this boy band for sure. MBLAQ consists of 5 members, they are Seungho, G.O, Lee Jun, Thunder, and Mir.  As long as I know, they are very popular in Korea. I can’t say anything more about MBLAQ because I don’t know them so well, I’m afraid that I will be mistaken and make A+ (a name given for MBLAQ’s fandom) going mad at me. But, all I know is each member of MBLAQ can be good father in the future.

I like this Hello baby season because they have to take care of 3 kids which are multicultural kids. I like multicultural kids because their parents are from different country and it makes them different with other kids who are born from parents who are from the same country. Three kids in this program are Korean but one of each parent is a foreigner. They are all mixed. Those kids are looked good with their fake fathers, MBLAQ. They are a sweet family. (:

Are you curious about this Hello Baby family? Let me give you their picture and some information about them.

Firstly, this is the picture of MBLAQ fathers and the kids.


They are so cute, aren’t they?

And now, I introduce you the kids that I like so much.

Yoon Dayoung


She is a cute and lovely girl. But she is a little bit shy when she meets someone for the first time. But, when you have already been able to get along with her, you will find out that she is a lovely girl. I have not met her personally but that’s what I think when I watch this program.

Yoon Dayoung was born on March, 17th 2008 in Seoul. She is now 4 years old. She is half Korean and half Vietnamese. Here some more picture this little girl who is used to be called Dayoung.

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In this program, she has a father that she like the most among MBLAQ daddies. He is G.O. daddy and here is their picture.



Okay… move on to the next kid.

Lauren Hanna Lunde


She is a cute, sweet and beautiful girl. She likes singing and dancing. You will be mesmerized by her if you watch this program. She is too sweet to be seen. She never cried during the filming, even when one of the kids hit her, she will not cry. Sometimes I think she is just pretty, she never got her MBLAQ daddies exhausted to take care of her.

She was born in Seoul on May, 16th 2008. She will be 4 years old this year. Her mother is Korean and her father is Canadian. She is a model for several advertisements in Korea. Here some more pictures of Lauren.

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Lauren also has a father that she likes the most in this program. She likes Seungho daddies the best among the other member of MBLAQ. Here is a picture of Lauren and Seungho.



Now, we’ve come to the last kid.

Leo William Recipon


He is a cute naughty boy. He likes to run and playing so much. He always makes MBLAQ daddies exhausted to look after him. Even tough he is a little bit naughty; he is actually a cry baby. He is the one who cries the most during the filming of this program.

He was born in Seoul on September, 7th 2008. He is still 3 years old but he will be 4 years old this year. His mother is Korean and his father is French. He is also a model of several advertisements in Korea. Here are some more pictures of Leo.

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Like the other kids, he also has a daddy that he likes so much in this program. He likes Thunder daddy so much. Here is a picture of Leo with Thunder.



That’s all the kids. How do you think about them? They are cute, right? That’s why I like those kids. I you are curious about this program, you can find it easily on youtube. There are also the English subbed for it.

Do you want to know one of MBLAQ member who I like the most in this variety show? It’s Lee Jun! I like him because he is so hot! LOL. You probably think that I am a pervert for thinking like that. Fine! Call me a pervert, because I really think that Lee Jun is hot. But, I have some more reason to like this person. I like the way he takes care of the kids. The kids didn’t like him since the first time they met. But, even though he knew that they don’t like him, he always cares with them. He treated them like they are his real children. He ever said in the interview section that the love he has for the kids is one sided love, but it’s okay for him. He said he will always try to get their love. And finally, he got it!

This Hello baby season 5 has already come to an end now. Last week was the last episode of this season. I was cry so badly when I watched their farewell part. It was so sad and touching.




It was so sad knowing that they have to be separated after all the things they’ve been through in 12 episodes. They have shared love, happiness and tears during the filming of this Hello Baby season 5. I hope they will meet again someday.

If you want to know more about these kids, you can follow their twitter: @YoonDayoungMom @LaurenLunde @RECIPONLEO and you can also follow MBLAQ’s twitter on @MBLAQSH @MBLAQGO @MBLAQCD @BangMir

Last but not least, I will give you some pictures of MBLAQ and the kids when they are in Hello Baby, so you can see how happy they are, when they’re together as a family. I hope you enjoy it. (;

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