World in My Wordplay

World is a wide wandflower we can wallow with

Like a wallpaper’s wrapped out the whole white wall

Wipe all worries and waft back the wonder

So don’t weep, we’ll wave the water and wade

Wamble to the wild wood and watch the warm weather

Waddle on the walkway while waning our wound

Wallop the whines we wield— and withdraw

Wandering for wainscoted dream as we walk upon the wire

Whenever world works wrong, we won’t waive but keep waging

Like a wallboard on the Whitewall, we’d never wavered by the wind

‘cuz the wheel is wheeling around, winds us up and winds up down

We’ll never know where the wicked wind would waft us.


This is what happening to their deed

While God has fulfilled all their need

They follow their evil greed

Destroy their own innocent breed.


I wish they’d be locked up in detention

To recall their first intention

Send them into the real salvation

And bring back that beautiful dimension.


Because money is their kryptonite

Never know it would blow them up like dynamite

For only concern to their incessant pride

Who knows it might be their own genocide.


Don’t care about a hungry belly

They say it’s just silly

To care about other’s poor personal fairly

While they are laughing and dancing in their jolly.


I wonder, what exactly they are?

Ah, I know what they are

But I don’t want to tell you what they are

‘cuz I’m ashamed for being one of what they are.

Letter for a Broken Heart

Dear heart,

How are you today?

Still hurt for the last wound?

I know.

But I thank God for letting me here, to see you.


Why are you still fluttering everytime you see him smile?

Does he look that mesmerizing?

Too bright, so you can’t look for the other one?

I thought I’ve made you blind.


You told me to move forward,

why do you insist to stay behind?

I thought I’ve brought you for miles,

But we keep ending up here— in the same place. Why?


Many days have passed.

I thought I’ve made you deaf,

why do you still beat faster everytime you hear his name?

Even your favorite songs can’t make it back to normal.


I thought I’ve made you numb,

You let him rips your old wound.

Now it’s getting worst, you start to cry.

Why? are you still suffering with that pain?


I’m tired.

It’s time for me to make you stop beating.


With love,

the body you live in.

Sky Collapse


When you walk out through your front door, there’s must be something you’ll always see. It’s sky.

Sky is blue, decorated by sun, stars, moon, and clouds. Can you imagine how beautiful is it?

It’s 5 o’clock in the evening.

I walk out, wearing my old favorite shoes, intentionally— to see the sky. As I walk along the street, I see

some kids are playing around with a ball, they kick the ball rudely so it hits my knee, I moan because it’s

really hurt. They start to move closer to the place where I stand.

The boy with blonde hair asks if I’m okay. I say that I’m okay and tell them to take their ball back.

They run, no saying sorry.

I continue walking.

The sky turns red and I see a little crack near sunset.

I stop for awhile, feeling something is going wrong.

I keep walking and meet a crossroad, deciding myself to turn left.

I see a tramp is looking for some leftover food inside a trashcan, while on my right side a rich girl

smirking at him.

I look at the sky again. It’s already so much darker than before, then I hear something growling

tremendously, right after the sun disappears.

I stop and close my both eyes. In the dark, I can feel— the sky collapse.




I’ve never been like this before

Until she got herself to fall

She’s the best gift I really wished for

I was sure I’d not regret at all

We spent our days together as one

I always thought she’d never run

‘Coz she said that I’m the one

My life is getting so much fun

This feeling grows greater day by day

But she leaves a letter and says—

“I have to leave today”

Bewildered, my body looks like clays

I heard people mock at me so often

That I’m nothing to be compared by she

But this love can not be lessen

For she’ll see me waiting beyond the sea

She’s an angel and I am human

We are different for somewhat reason

Why can’t I love her as a man?

Oh, it’s like living in the prison



P.S: I was pretending as man when I wrote this poem. It was really difficult actually, because I have to see a woman from the perspective of a man. So, don’t ever think that I’m not normal (read: lesbian) because I’m absolutely a normal girl who likes man. I hope you enjoy my poem. Peace out! (:

Prized Possesion

For once in my life, I must’ve been very happy

God gave me the best present in the world

I will never let it go of me.

My precious,

can’t stop being grateful for it.

My prized possession, it’s you.


You are a rainbow after the rain

Fill up my life with your bright colors

When my heart turns black and grey,

the fusion of your colors will make it white again.

The most beautiful gift I cherish.

My favorite— Mother.


You are the north in my compass

Give me the right direction to move

Your needle will always lead me home,

when the wind turns me into wrong way.

The best gift I fond so much.

My idol— Father.


You are a star in the night sky

Light up my world when everything turns dark

You will always shine so brightly,

when I need you to guide my way.

The best companion of my life.

My alter ego— little Brother.


I don’t need to talk too much

Everyone knows what my heart tells about you

You will always be with me.

The soundtrack of my life.

My favorite song ever— Family.


Hay guys! What’s up!

How’s your day? Hope everything’s okay..

Today, I want to talk about poetry. Yea! Poetry is a kind of literature that I hate so much during my days in English literature. I don’t know why, but I just can’t understand the meaning behind it. I really hate to interpret a kind of poem, especially the poem with an old English, like Mr. William Shakespeare’s poems.  It’s because my interpretation is usually out of the topic. I mean, I usually end up with a silly thing when my lecturer asks me to say what’s hid behind a poem. I usually have different opinion with my other friend. So, that’s the reason why I always get a bad score in poetry.

But, lately I’m enjoying to make a poem. But, if you ask me to interpret it, I still really hate it. Because to comment the other’s work is the thing that I don’t really like. I just enjoy to make it. My friends always ask, what is my inspiration when I make a poem. And I will always say that everything can be my inspiration. A poem is not always from your own experience. It can be anything. Your friend experiences, songs, movies, novels, newspaper, tv, even when you are walking alone and see the sky is so beautiful, you can write a poem about it, or you can create your own story in your poem. It is fun actually. But for me, songs and scenery are the most fascinating topic to write a poem. But, the easier topic to write is about love. I’m sure that every people have ever felt love, right? Love is not only the love that we feel towards our opposite sex, but also towards our family, friends or anything that we treasure.

I can’t say that it’s easy to make a poem. We must have a feeling first, if we feel like we don’t want to make it, so you can’t make it. You don’t even have an idea what will you write. So, you can’t push someone to make a poem. If you are pushed, then you will just stuck, because your brain can not work properly. That’s what I feel when I’m forced to make a poem. So frustrating.

And here, tonight. I feel like I want to make a poem about a movie that I watched a few days ago. This film is entitled “Coraline”. Did you ever heard about that movie? It is a cartoon actually, but the story is so good. The voice of the main character in this movie is dubbed by Dakota Finning. I don’t put any metaphor, simile, or personification in this poem. I just write what I see in the film and write it down in my own way. But, I don’t know if you have different opinion about it. I don’t think it’s a good poem. It is still lacking somewhere, because this is my first time to write a poem about a movie. But, I hope you enjoy it! If you have any comment regarding this poem, please don’t hesitate to say it. I will accept your opinion with my open hand! Cheers! ^^  



By: Tutriana Ayu Sekarrosa


I’m here, none of you notice

I’m screaming, none of you hear

I’m crying, none of you understand

Can’t you just look at me for once?

‘Cuz I’m tired of being alone.


Just a little fuss of your hand on my hair will do

Just a little smile on your lips will do

Just a voice says “I love you” will make it better

Can you make it true?

I just want to be like anyone else


I give up, mom, dad!

I want to escape

To the other world behind that tiny door


When I woke up, I saw you were so different

I got everything I want

So many delicious food made by mom

My dreamy garden full of my favorite flowers made by dad with a help of a huge grasshopper

You make my dreams come true!

I’m happy now.


I open up my eyes again

I realize that it was a dream

But I feel it just real,

Then I found out that I can always back to that door.


Today, I find my other mother so strange

She wants me to be like her

She wants to sew those buttons in my eyes

I’m so scared

My selfishness has led me to my own disaster!


At this time, I realize

Real world is better than a dream

I want to go back!

To the place where I belong.


But she took my real parent!

Moonlight has faded by the shadow of that button

I don’t have any time!

As I’m weeping, I see something lead me to the light.


And now I’m home

Back to the couple who gave me a name— Coraline

On the Rain

It is raining

I’m crawling under my warm blanket

Staring at the ceiling

Recalling pieces of my treasured memories

—I silence


It was sprinkling

The first time we met each other

I was crying, soaking by rainfall

But you suddenly came and said: “You can borrow my back.”

—I smile


It was drizzling

When you held my hand for the first time

You said: “I want to stay by your side forever”

My heart fluttered, like it was going to burst

—I weep


It was pouring

When heaven took your spirit back

I just couldn’t say a word

You’ve promised, but you’re the one who brake it

—I cry


I hate rain!

For the memories of you that it brings as the water starts to falls

Keeps torturing me like flood in my brain

But when rain start to stop, you follow

Leaving a unique scent of the wet soil

I am Me

I— is the beginning of a story about me

don’t expect too much because it is not beautiful at all

I— is never be as worth as a gold

yet, can shine brighter than a gold does

I— is never be as warm as the sun

yet, can be a blanket for people’s heart

I— can never stand as tall as the Eiffel Tower

yet, standing on my own feet with my will which is taller than any other tower in the world

I— can never be the wind that blows those palm trees on the beach

yet, can caress people’s feeling to make them better

I— will never be the fog that decorates a mountain every chilly day

yet, can be the mist that greet people’s sight every morning


I am ordinary

with every single life on my own

I am proud

with everything’s made by God

I am strong

in every weakness I have

I am perfect

in every imperfect things I’ve done

I am just— me