Easy come Easy go

This melancholic feeling give me the urge to write something.

Friends come and go whatever they want. Yes, this is something that bothers me all day long. Because no matter how much I miss them, they don’t seem to make an effort to meet me up. They keep telling me they miss us together, but it only remains “statement”. I understand, they are busy with their own business. We are growing up and life is not only about fun.

I realize it is hard to maintain a good relationship. New people come whenever they like, and go whenever they don’t need us anymore. It’s hurting, yes I admit. I’ve felt it.

I remember when I was in kindergarten, none of my classmate wanted to become my friend. I remember that awful feeling when I just sit alone on the bench while my friends were playing around the playground with happy faces. I can’t forget the day when my class got a new student from other country, I was very excited because I felt I would finally got a friend. But I was wrong, she preferred to leave me for the girl who act like a leader of all my friend in kindergarten. That leader girl hated me and told all of my classmates to stay away from me. I don’t know why. Maybe because I’m ugly or something.

In elementary school, I slowly forgot the way that leader girl treated me.

I finally got a friend. Lots of friends. But it was not as beautiful as it was supposed to be. My friend came to me just because I had something that they didn’t. They didn’t really like me anyway. But in the end, I got a friend who really cared for me. But it didn’t last long, after graduated from elementary school, we split up and never met again up till now.

My life changed when I was in junior high school. I got four beautiful friends that can bring lots of laughter in my whole life. Our friendship last long, I believe we’ll keep it forever.

I don’t want to talk a lot about my high school life. It was indeed a great fun. But there’s not much I can tell about it. Now that my high school friends are busy with their college life in another country, so it’s hard for us to meet up.

Now, I’m in the college. To be in this state is fun. I wonder what will it be when I have to leave this college life. What will I do next? Will my friends remember me when I’m finally graduated and had to leave this city for work? I don’t know, because friend come and go with no clue. Sometimes, it gets me miserable when a friend come to me just because they need me to listen to their laments, but after their problems solved, they begin to forget me. It makes me feel like I’m used. This is not fair─ and so cruel.

I don’t bother if someone tells her/his problem to me, I sincerely with all my heart will listening to them. It’s such a life satisfaction knowing there is someone out there trusts you to share her/his life story. It indeed makes me happy, I can also learn from them.

I’m the type of person who tries my best to make a friend. I try to be kind, so that they can come closer to me. It merely because I don’t want to repeat that same damn thing to happen in my life.

Well, it is sad knowing the fact that we once had lots of friend but we can’t keep all of them to stick with us forever. Because people change, so do their hearts. Ooooh boy, so this is what we call “life”, when we get the new one, we begin to forget the old one.

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