The Rainbow (part 2)

When we get to the hospital, I and Raina run towards my father room. I knock the door but no one answer, so I open it by myself. I enter the room, followed by Raina. But I see no body inside and one thing that makes me shocked is that the room looks messed up, like there was somebody there looking for something inside this room roughly. I wonder where’s my father now.

“What’s happening here?” I exclaim after I find out that the room is messed up.

“They must’ve been here.” She whispers, but I can still hear her voice.

“How do you know? And how about my father?” I begin to panic, I’m afraid that he is in danger now. So, I try to phone him, but there is no answer. I keep dialing his number but still not getting any answer. I’m frustrated and throw away my cell phone.

“Hey… Hey.. Chill, Rend!” she tries to calm me down.

“How can I calm down while I know there are some crazy men chasing after my father?!” I yell at her. She looks scared. But I just can’t help my self to pretend that I’m not afraid.

“He’s probably on a meeting or something,” she shutters, “so, he can’t answer your call.”

“You’re right.” I decrease my tone and bow my head, “I’m sorry for making you scared.”

“It’s okay. Let’s try to find the virus.”

“Don’t you think that they’ve already have it? By all of this mess they’ve made in this room. They must have found that virus.” I argue her.

“No. If they found it, they would have called me.” her face looks so serious when she says that. So, I try to trust her.

“Okay then.” I give her no more talk and begin to look around the room. But my mind still lingers on the thought about my father. I feel something is going wrong here, but I don’t know how to handle it. All I can do is following Raina’s instruction.

“Do you know where your father put his experiment?” Raina breaks the silence while looking around the room.

“I have no idea. But, it must be around here.”

We are trying so hard to find the virus. I don’t know what it looks like, but I keep searching. I look around my father’s desk and accidently nudging a picture of my family, I see a tiny button under it, I examine the button and press it. As I put off my finger from it, the wall behind me is shifted aside, showing a huge metal door which I suppose, it leads us into another room, a secret room. I walk straight forward that door, followed by Raina.

“Is it possible that your father put the rainbow inside that secret room?”

“I don’t know, maybe we should try to open it.” I examine that door bewilderedly, still can’t believe that my father has this kind of sophisticated thing. Raina is looking around the door as well.

“I think you should combine this DNA chain to open it up. You know.. it’s like a password.” She points her fore finger towards a tiny-blue-square-LCD touch screen on the right side of the door.

“DNA chain?” I’m stunned, don’t have any idea at all.

“Since it’s your father working room, it must be your father’s DNA.” she keeps saying some possible way to open that door, just like a detective. But, I keep standing still like a statue, “You’re his only son, aren’t you? You must have the same DNA with your father.”

“How do you know that I’m the only son?”

“I’m a spy, remember?” she’s bragging about her job with her hands’ folded on her chest. “You better think fast, before they find us here.”

“Ah, you’re right. But what can I do?” I’m panic. This strange stuff is kind of blowing up my mind.

“Combine it! What else?” she yells, “You’re the only one who knows your DNA chain.” seems she gets annoyed with my tiny knowledge about all this things.

“How can I do that?? My father never—“ unconsciously, I remember that some weeks ago, when I casually went to my father’s working room at night because I was bored staying alone in my room. I saw him working with his laptop. I asked if he was busy and he said I could come in. So, I joined him in front of the laptop. He showed me what he was doing. I looked at the picture on the monitor, he said it was my DNA chain.

“Wait!” I move closer to the screen, try to remember that picture in my mind while pressing my finger on the screen. Not long after, I hear a loud ‘click’ sound from the door, I try to push the door knob, “It works!” I smile to Raina, she’s smiling back at me.

Now, I can finally enter that secret room, Raina is following behind me. I look around but there is no one there, even my father.

This secret room is quite large and bright, with baby blue paint on the wall. There are so many experimental equipments everywhere. In the center of the room, I see a glass box with some tubes containing green liquid in it.

“Is that what you mean about the rainbow?” I ask Raina with my eyes keep attaching on that glass box.

“Let me see,” she takes out her iphone from her pocket, typing something on it and repeatedly looks at the her phone and the box. “Match! We found it.” she looks satisfied.

“We have to destroy it!” I open the box and put all the tube inside my bag.

“No.. No.. I think we have to wait until your father come.” She tries to stop my rashly act. I don’t listen her, I just keep putting the tubes in my bag.

And suddenly, three familiar creepy men come through the door. The friendly-voiced man grabs Raina’s hand and put a handcuff on them, while the fat man grab me by the arms and push me against the wall. I hold my bag tightly on my chest. The boss walks towards me with a knife on his hand, then enclose it to my neck.

“I’ve tied up your father on his working chair.” He make a glance to my father’s working room, indicated that my father’s already there. “I’ve attached a bomb on his body. Give me your bag, or I’ll push the bottom and blow him up.” He shows me a small remote control with a red button on it. I keep hugging my bag tightly.

“You can’t do that!” I stare at him cynically.

“Yes, I can,” I can see an evil smile appears on his face, “unless, you give me that bag!”

“I won’t!” I yell in front of his face. He looks annoyed.

“Okay, I won’t be kind anymore!” he tries to seize the bag from my hand. But then I see Raina kicks the friendly-voiced man hardly on his stomach, he moans in pain. She releases the handcuff from her hands, I don’t know how she can do that, but I don’t care. She’s a spy after all.

When I see Raina doing a fight with that man, something inside me seems forcing me to do the same thing. So, I try to fight against them with all I might. I kick the fat man on his sensitive area, beat the boss on his stomach with my hand while holding my bag, seize the remote control that the boss’s dropped on the floor and run towards Raina who is still busy with the friendly-voiced man. I kick that man on his back, grab Raina’s hand and try to run outside the room. But the boss suddenly takes a gun from his coat and shoots a bullet towards us. Raina tells me to bow, so we can dodge the bullet.

Raina takes a gun out from his pocket, points it to the boss and shoot his chest. I think she gets him right on his heart. The boss collapse, I can see lots of blood come out from his wound. His fellows look shocked, they run towards us and trying to take Raina’s gun. I block them, punching them with all I might, but they keep push me aside to reach Raina.

So, I run to the place where the boss is collapsed. I take his gun that lays beside him. I hesitate for a moment because I never use this kind of thing before. I point the gun to the fat man and shoot him on the back. He falls to the floor. In the other side I see the friendly-voiced man has already seized Raina’s gun from her hand and shoots her. She falls faint on the floor covered with blood. I feel my body fall on the floor spontaneously, I don’t have any idea what should I do to help Raina. Unconsciously, I point the gun in my hand at that man and shoot all over his body repeatedly until it run out the bullet. I run closer to Raina, take her head and put it on my lap.

“Are you okay? Let’s get out of here quickly, so we can cure your wound.” I speak fast in a worried voice to her.

“No.” she speaks with her last strength, “save yourself and your father. Don’t care about me, I’m fine.”


“Don’t speak too much. Go!” she pushes my chest with her hand which has already covered by her blood that comes out from her chest.

“Fine. I’ll call the police and get you out of here.”

She just nods her head slightly and smiles. So, I stand up and go out from that room to find my father.

That wicked men didn’t lie. When I walk out the secret room, my father has already tied in his working chair with his mouth’s closed by a black tape. I walk closer, put the bag and the remote on the desk and release the tape.

“Are you okay, dad?” I ask him while untying the bound.

“What happen?” he asks me back.

“They’re dead. We are save now.”

“And the virus?”

“I’ve put it on my bag.” I’ve done with all the tie, “now. Let’s get out from here!” I pull my father’s hand.

“I’m sorry for letting you involve in this dangerous thing.” He touches my hand which is holding her hand. He looks sad. I think he must feel guilty.

“Dad, may I ask you something?” he silences, looking in my face, “Why did you do this?” I can’t help my self to ask him the reason why he made this kind of dangerous thing and drag him self into a danger like this.

“You’ll never understand. It’s complicated.”

“Make it simple, then.” I keep forcing him to speak.

“Forget it. Let’s get out of here.” My father is right. We don’t have much time, we have to save ourselves.

“Okay, let’s go!” I run to the exit door, but my father doesn’t move from where he is, “What are you doing? Come on dad, we have no more time!”

“You go first, I need to take something.”

So I’m walking out the door and waiting for my father outside the room. Then, suddenly I remember that I haven’t disposed the bomb that was attached in my father’s body,

“Dad! The bomb—“ I turn my body back but I see my father close the door and locks it from inside right before I finished my sentence.

“Daddy! Open the door, please!” I’m hammering at the door, pleading my father to open the door. “What are you doing there?! Open the door!” I keep yelling but he doesn’t want to open it.

Not long after, I hear the sound of explosion inside the room. It’s not a quite massive explosion, but it has succeeded to blow up the entire room.  I’m stunned. Standing still in front of the my father’s office door with my eyes wide open because of the shock. I don’t move my feet from there until some police come over and try to drag me out of the building.

It is already dark outside and the rain starts pouring from the night sky. I can see it from the transparent door in front of me. My mind is blank. I try to let go of my hand from the police as we walk closer to that exit door. When I can take my hands off theirs, I waddle outside the hospital building like a mad man and let the rain pour upon me till I get wet.

I end up my step under the huge white streetlight nearby. I sit on the walkway and looking up the light. The rain has changed into drizzle, I can see it reflects the colors of a rainbow under the white light.

“huh—“ I smile cynically, “that stupid rainbow.” I murmur. Then suddenly tears stream down my face as I realize that it was not a dream. I drown my face on my knee and cry my tears out.

I feel somebody touch my shoulder and call my name. I know this voice. So, I turn my head up to look at that person.

“Mom…..” I look at her who is tearing. I stand up and hug her. She fusses my hair to calm me down. I finally feel save in her arm, but I still can’t stop crying,

“Tell me it’s just a dream.” I whisper in my mom’s ear and crying out loud on her shoulder.


PS: Special thanks to Vatsya Mallayana for the stunning idea! I’m sorry if this is not as good as you expected.

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