My Accidental Happily Ever After

The first time I heard “Never Knew I needed” by Ne-Yo, I was lying on a green grass at my school yard while looked up to that baby blue sky. I was with him. The man who introduced me this song. The one who never be buried in my mind. A part of my past that will always be remembered no matter how long we didn’t meet.

He gave me one of his earphones and I stared at him, bewildered. He was wearing a white T-shirt and grey jeans, simple, yet handsome.

“What?” I said

“Just listen.”

“You want me to…”

He nodded, cutting up my incomplete question with his charming smile. I blushed.

“Okay…” I took his earphone. He smiled again.

“You look beautiful today.”


“You’re beautiful,” he said.

I waved my hand in front of his face, “Are you okay?”

He chuckled, “Well, I’m not sure. Perhaps because today is so bright, you look a little bit more shining than usual.”

“Oh…” that disappointment feeling crunching inside me unconsciously. And I didn’t know why.

“Hey, you’re not suppose to be here, right? Where’s your boyfriend? That tall basketball dude.” He laughed. He never liked Tommy anyway.

“He has a meeting today.”

“Meeting? Are you sure it’s not a cheating?”

I smacked his arm, “You jerk, Jake!” and he laugh merrily.

“Well, I miss you today. So, I feel I like I have to see you.” Said me again.

“What did you say?” he looked shocked.

“What?” I confuse.

“What did you say?”

“I said I have to meet you.”

“No no no. The one before that.”

“I miss you.”

He smiled. I swear, I never see him that happy since ever.

“Why are you smiling?” I said.

“I like those words.”

Then, we were both silent, enjoying that beautiful song in our ears. Until he raised his voice once again, “Do you know why I like this song?”

“Hmmm… it’s not your style anyway. I know you don’t like this kind of music.”

“Just guess.”

“Ah! Are you having a crush?”

He patted my back lightly, “You are indeed my best friend, sugar.”

Sugar is not my name though, but he used to call me that. Because the first time he saw me, the first word that he said was ‘sweet’ and since then, he insisted to call me ‘sugar’. I couldn’t complain ‘cause I liked it too.

“What? How dare you? You never even tell me that you had a crush. What kind of girl is she? Tell me.. tell me..” I asked him excitingly.

He stared at the sky, “Well.. I like her for the way she changed my plans, for being the perfect distraction, for the way she realize me that she was everything that I wanted to have…

He describe that girl so perfectly, I had never seen him like this before. I felt my heart trembling, like there was something from his words that made it hurt. I couldn’t take my eyes of him, as he kept continuing his words,

she’s a rare and unexpected friend, I admire her for the way she’s something that I would never choose, but at the same time something that I don’t wanna loose,” he suddenly stopped and turned his sight at me,

“What are you looking at? You look so stupefied.”— Yea, I was stupefied by his super extraterrestrial explanation.

“Wow.. I think you like her so much. You have to introduce me to that girl someday.”

“You already know this girl actually.”

“Really? Is she one of our friends?”

Before he was able to answer my question, my phone was ringing. It was Tommy calling me. He wanted me to meet him right away. So, I rushed after I hang up the phone.

“You have to go now?” He asked.

“Tommy wants to see me immediately.”

“Okay, you better go now.”

“But wait, who’s that girl?”

“I don’t wanna tell you, just guess and tell me if you’ve had the answer.”

And so I run, left him with a big question in my mind.

Until the day of our high school graduation, he never wanted to tell me about that girl.


It has almost 2 years since we graduated from high school and had to be separated because I decided to go to another country to continue my study.

And today, I’m home again. I’m sitting on the same place. A place that used to be our favorite place. From distance, I see his familiar face is running towards me. He comes right after I call him to meet me here.

“Have you had the answer?” he said directly without asking my news first.

I stand up and try to look deep into his blue eyes. When I think that I’m sure about my answer, I nodded with a smile on my face, “I like when Ne-Yo says you’re the best thing I never knew I needed. See now it’s so clear, I need you here always!

P.S: I made this short story with a big help from my friend Riris a.k.a Pohon. (:

Another Random Post about My Crush

Last night, I dreamt about my last crush. I feel strange, because it happens not only once. I even can’t remember what millions times he came up in my dreams. What does it mean?

I thought I’ve let him go since a very long time ago. Because I definitely know that he will never see me and he has already have girlfriend. And now, I have considered him as my friend. Just friend. No expecting more. My feeling towards him has lessening day by day, but why he’s still coming? I don’t understand.

 I never tell any friend about this crush, because it just makes me hurt more. I think, if I tell them about it they will pry it up continuously, so I won’t able to forget him. And it works. I have no feeling for him anymore. Until today.

People say that if there is someone you like keeps appearing in your dream even though you don’t think about him, it means you really like him and can’t forget him. Is that true? So, do I still like him now? I can’t even understand my feeling. Or I’m fooling my own feeling for these very long times? What wrong with me actually? I definitely have no more feeling for him. I’m sure. And I don’t lie.

Haaaah…. Maybe it’s just a silly thought.

So, there is something I want to say to you, my crazy little crush. Please stop appearing in my dreams. I don’t want to live under your shadow. I have to keep moving on without looking back onto the memories of you. Adios…. And come no more.

A Random Post about Friend and Inspiration

Tonight, I suppose to do my proposal’s assignment which has to be submitted tomorrow morning. But my brain cannot work well this time, because this assignment is too demanding to be done, makes me stress and even balding my head.

So, I end up writing this quite random post.

Actually, I was feeling so blue today. I was so upset because of some random friends who made me feel ignored and alienated. But, I don’t want to talk about these friends. It will make me hate them, I don’t want to make another foe anyway. I don’t want to be hating nor hated. That’s why I tried very hard to forget it.

And now, I feel so much better after watched some One Direction’s videos. I’m really thankful for those boys because they make me smile and laugh a lot in my gloomy day. Then, I played my playlist on my cell phone, the first song which came up was ‘Best Thing I never Knew I Needed’ by Neyo and I start realizing about something, something that I never knew that I have it and I needed.

Sometimes I think my greatest inspiration in my life and in every work I write is only my family, nature, and God. But NO! I was wrong. I realize that, lately my friends are the greatest inspiration for me. Why? Because I and my friends are growing together, we play together, talk with each other in a very long time each day, shares our happiness, and even share our sadness together.

Actually, it’s not easy for me to make a friend. I am not a type of person who can quickly adapt with a new environment, even friends. I’m unlike anyone else who can easily talk to a new person. Why? Because I need an adaptation, I tend to like someone whom I comfortable with. Now I ask you, have you ever felt that you are not connected with someone? I mean, even you and that person are classmates and have known each other for a very long time, you can’t just speak to her/him comfortably. I tell you, I often experience it and it makes me feel awkward when other friends leave me with just the two of us.

I have 4 best friends in my hometown, they’re like my second family. We’ve been knowing each other for almost 9 years and we never had a quarrel since the first time we met. I love them as much I love my family. We rarely spend our time together now because we’re in different university. But we still keep in contact in social network, sms, and phone.

Now, I’ll tell you about my friend who have inspired me for these recent days. They are the owner of (Aggata), (Riris or I usually call her ‘pohon’) and (ajeng). You know guys, you are the best thing I never knew I needed (maybe you should listen to that song and FYI, Aggata is the one gave me that song some days ago)). Why? Because they’ve supported me so much to write some works in my blog. They are my only classmates who I know they always read my blog, give some comments and even like my posts. I don’t know why, but it means so much for me. It’s like I can finally feel being supported by someone. I feel so happy because of it. Doubtless. Indeed.

They are the only one I comfortable to talk with. I always feel being listened when I talk to them. FYI, I hate when someone isn’t listening to me when I’m talking to him/her. That’s why I like them. They’re unlike another. They never speak rudely, never underestimate me, nor saying some bad words I don’t like. It’s fun to talk with them, it’s like I finally find my soulmate (hmm.. okay I think this is too much but there is no other word can describe this feeling, so for now, it’s okay). We often share our opinion. They’re supporting me with their own way which I like. I know, sometimes I can get upset because of them, but it doesn’t mean that I hate them. I’m a type of person who can forget anyone mistake easily, just give me sometimes to be alone and I will be better in some hours. But, if there anyone who makes a mistake that is too excessive, I’m sure I would not talk to that person anymore.

Their works are my inspiration. They are gems but they don’t realize it. I feel so encouraged to make a good work everytime I read their works in their blog. But, I want you to know that it doesn’t mean I don’t read other works I follow, I do read them, all of them. But they don’t notice it because I do it silently. Hehe. I think they are all incredible, I’m nothing compared to them.

Letter for a Broken Heart

Dear heart,

How are you today?

Still hurt for the last wound?

I know.

But I thank God for letting me here, to see you.


Why are you still fluttering everytime you see him smile?

Does he look that mesmerizing?

Too bright, so you can’t look for the other one?

I thought I’ve made you blind.


You told me to move forward,

why do you insist to stay behind?

I thought I’ve brought you for miles,

But we keep ending up here— in the same place. Why?


Many days have passed.

I thought I’ve made you deaf,

why do you still beat faster everytime you hear his name?

Even your favorite songs can’t make it back to normal.


I thought I’ve made you numb,

You let him rips your old wound.

Now it’s getting worst, you start to cry.

Why? are you still suffering with that pain?


I’m tired.

It’s time for me to make you stop beating.


With love,

the body you live in.

Sky Collapse


When you walk out through your front door, there’s must be something you’ll always see. It’s sky.

Sky is blue, decorated by sun, stars, moon, and clouds. Can you imagine how beautiful is it?

It’s 5 o’clock in the evening.

I walk out, wearing my old favorite shoes, intentionally— to see the sky. As I walk along the street, I see

some kids are playing around with a ball, they kick the ball rudely so it hits my knee, I moan because it’s

really hurt. They start to move closer to the place where I stand.

The boy with blonde hair asks if I’m okay. I say that I’m okay and tell them to take their ball back.

They run, no saying sorry.

I continue walking.

The sky turns red and I see a little crack near sunset.

I stop for awhile, feeling something is going wrong.

I keep walking and meet a crossroad, deciding myself to turn left.

I see a tramp is looking for some leftover food inside a trashcan, while on my right side a rich girl

smirking at him.

I look at the sky again. It’s already so much darker than before, then I hear something growling

tremendously, right after the sun disappears.

I stop and close my both eyes. In the dark, I can feel— the sky collapse.


Review for One Direction

Haiii…. What’s happening?

Today, I feel like I want to write about One Direction. Let’s call it a review, but I’m not really sure because actually it’s all about my opinion regarding that most popular newcomer band nowadays. Hmmm.. I think it’s okay, since the meaning of review and opinion are quite alike (me starting to make my own unreasonable conclusion. LOL). Anyway, is there any of you who don’t know One Direction? You? You? You? Don’t know One direction? Heyyy…. Where have you been recently? Another space? Jungle? Oh sorry.. I’m going crazy.. @_@

Actually, I’ve been knowing One Direction for only some couple of months. LOL. So, for you who still haven’t known anything about the boys, we are on the same boat anyway. Sorry for my rude introduction, I just want to make it funnier (what’s wrong with me? I think I should go to psychiatry for sure). Although they are still a newbie in the music industry, I love them since the first time I saw them. Can I call myself a Directioners now?

Okay, how should I start this? Oh, first of all I want you to know that this review is based on my own opinion, so if there is any information here that you think it’s wrong, don’t mind to correct me. I make this review based on what I saw, what I heard and what I read. Hope you enjoy this. (:

Should I start now?

Let’s begin with some introduction about the band. One direction is a British-Irish boy band consists of 5 members, later I will give you the information about each member. This group was formed from a British version of a television show called The x Factor. I don’t have any idea what show is this, because it was not aired in Indonesia. From what I read in Wikipedia, each member was casted for male solo singer, but then they were expelled from that category. However, the judges still saw some potential from them so they were formed to be in one group named One Direction. They gained so much popularity since then.


One Direction

Now, the boys have released their debut album entitled Up All Night after they were out with their debut single ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ and ‘Gotta be You’. For your information, Up All Night is also a title for one of their song in the album. *playing Up All Night song* “I wanna stay up all night and jump around until I see the sun. I wanna stay up all night and find a girl and tell her she’s the one.” Ooops, *cough* *clearing my throat* Let’s stop singing and go back to the topic. All of their songs in this album are easy listening and catchy, I can guarantee you will not regret to buy the album. They are currently on their tour to promote their debut album. They’ve been in America sometimes ago and now I think they’ve already in Australia. I wonder if they will visit Indonesia as well. Hmmm.. if they do, will I able to see them? Haaah.. I don’t think so. But it’s okay, I know God will give me a chance to meet them if He want me to (cheering myself).

Well, it’s time to introduce you the members of One Direction. The pictures below are captured by me from their music video Gotta be You and One Thing. I’m not sure that the pictures came out well because it was very difficult for me to capture them while they are singing. But I really tried my best to make a good capture.

Let’s begin from the most handsome and the sexiest person all over the world. My favorite.


Name: Zain Jawaad Malik

Better known as: Zayn Malik

Born: January, 12nd 1993

He is from West Lain Baildon, Bradford, England. A British-Pakistani boy, maybe that’s why he got that pretty, handsome, cute and exotic face. Moreover, he has a beautiful-heavenly voice which is hard to explain. I think he has a role to make some ornament in every song they sing so it sounds good and more beautiful to be listened. He can also reach every high note that can not be done by the other members.  Don’t believe it? You can prove it by yourself when you listen to their song or watch their live performances. Zayn also has a unique accent instead of his strong British accent, it’s like the mixture of a little bit British accent, some middle-east accent, and it also a little bit sounds like Indian. I don’t even know what kind of accent is it, but I love it. Geez, I think he has got me falling for him. I even can’t accept the fact that I’m 2 years older than him. Do you know what I like the best from Zayn? his eyelashes! as a girl, I’m envying his so much!


See? He has long, thick and curved eyelashes. Don’t you think this is unfair for woman?

Next, is the cutest person in the band.


Name: Niall James Horan

Better Known as: Niall Horan

Born: September, 13th 1993

He is the only Irish and the only person who has a blonde hair among the member. He was born in Mulligar, Country Westmeath, Ireland. Guitar is like his half life, he likes to play it since childhood. He ever said in the interview that his guitar is the best present he ever received for Christmas. Although he does not usually get much chance to sing in the group, but I see he is a funny guy. I think he is the second funniest person in the member after his bandmate, Louis. He is quite talkative too. What I like from Niall is his teeth, his blue eyes and his blonde hair, because they make him looks so cute. Now he has dental braces on his teeth. But, he still looks cute with that.


This is a picture before he had the dental braces. He looks cuter when he smiles like this.

This is the hottest and the sweetest person among the member.


Name: Liam James Payne

Better Known as: Liam Payne

Born: August, 29th 1993

He is from Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England. He is the one who always sing the first. Why I call him the hottest? Because he got abs on his belly. kyaaaa~ it makes me even crazier! He’s also a sweet guy because he is the one who love fans so much, he often does a tweetvid to greet their fans all over the world. I heard that Liam was born 3 weeks early and one of his kidney is scarred and dysfunctional, so he had to have 32 injection on his arms every morning and evening as a child. Maybe that’s why he got those abs, he has to maintain his condition to stay healthy as a public figure who has to do lots of busy schedules. For you who begin to interested with this guy, prepare your heart! Because he is taken, he is currently in a relationship with Danielle Peazer. I was also disappointed and sad the first time I heard that he already has a girlfriend. But then, I realize who I am, I’m just his new fans and he doesn’t even know me, though. Haha. I just want to be realistic and I think it’s silly to feel disappointed about that matter. But I still love you as a fan Liam! Don’t worry. Liam has a long curly hair before one thing mv is released.


He looks cute here, doesn’t he? But it’s a little bit weird for me because he actually had a short and straight hair when he was still in The X Factor. How could it turns curly afterwards?

Next is the oldest and funniest person in the band.


Name: Louis William Tomlinson

Better Known as: Louis Tomlinson

Born: December, 25th 1991

He is from Doncaster, South Yorkshire, England. He is the only member whom I can understand the accent. Maybe that’s why he always be the host in every One Direction’s show. Moreover, he is a funny guy. If you watch their shows, you will see that he is the one who always make the other members laugh. I am also laughing so hard everytime I see him doing a funny thing in the shows. I think he is the mood maker in the group. Same with Liam, Louis has already had a girlfriend. As the oldest member in the band, he looks the same with the other member. Slightly, he may not looks very handsome, but if you see from the other angle, you’ll find out that he is quite good looking.


Here, what do you think?

The last person is the youngest member of the band.


Name: Harry Edward Styles

Better Known as: Harry Styles

Born: February, 1st 1994

He is from Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, England. Elvis Presley is his favorite singer and he said that Elvis is one of his influence. As long I know Harry, he always looks sleepy all the time. He can sleep anywhere and everywhere. So, I think he is a sleepy head. Harry is quite more silence than the other member, but he can be as crazy as the other. He is quite close with Louis, fans often consider them as a broomance couple because they often shares kiss. LOL. I also heard that Harry will be mad if Louis doesn’t say ‘I love you’ in the end of their phone conversation. What the hack is it?? I nearly can’t believe it when the first time I knew that such crazy habit, but now I think it’s cute and funny. LOL. I love that couple! What I like so much from Harry is his style. His style is so ‘teenage’.


Harry Style, I love your style!

Lastly, if you want to know more about them, you can follow their personal twitter @zaynmalik @OfficialNiall @Real_Liam_Payne @Louis_Tomlinson @Harry_Styles or @onedirection. Before I end this. I’ll give you some bonus! Below, I give you some picture that I capture from one thing mv. If you want to see the mv, you can find it easily on youtube.These pictures are the moments that I like the most. Hope you like it either.













I’ve never been like this before

Until she got herself to fall

She’s the best gift I really wished for

I was sure I’d not regret at all

We spent our days together as one

I always thought she’d never run

‘Coz she said that I’m the one

My life is getting so much fun

This feeling grows greater day by day

But she leaves a letter and says—

“I have to leave today”

Bewildered, my body looks like clays

I heard people mock at me so often

That I’m nothing to be compared by she

But this love can not be lessen

For she’ll see me waiting beyond the sea

She’s an angel and I am human

We are different for somewhat reason

Why can’t I love her as a man?

Oh, it’s like living in the prison



P.S: I was pretending as man when I wrote this poem. It was really difficult actually, because I have to see a woman from the perspective of a man. So, don’t ever think that I’m not normal (read: lesbian) because I’m absolutely a normal girl who likes man. I hope you enjoy my poem. Peace out! (:


Do you like kid?

I love kid so much! For me, kids are the most beautiful creature in the world. They are so cute and naive. I’m always wondering why they have to grown up even though I know the reality is that everybody needs to grow up. Okay.. That’s just a silly thought of me. Please forgive me.

Usually, I like a little kid in the average age of 1 to 5 years old, because they are so cute in that age. But when those kids have already become older, I will begin to dislike them. LOL. You probably think that I am a bad person. Yeaaa… I you’re right. But don’t you think that when a kid is getting older and older and finally he/she becomes adult, his/her innocence disappears for somewhat reasons. That’s why I like kids when they are just kid.

Recently, I’ve been following a kind of Korean variety show called Hello Baby. Hello baby is a variety show where an idol group pretend to be fathers or mothers of a children for 3 months. This program has now reached season 5. And the guest star for this season 5 is a group idol named MBLAQ.

For you who are familiar with K-Pop will definitely knows this boy band. Or probably you are a fan of MBLAQ, you have to know everything about this boy band for sure. MBLAQ consists of 5 members, they are Seungho, G.O, Lee Jun, Thunder, and Mir.  As long as I know, they are very popular in Korea. I can’t say anything more about MBLAQ because I don’t know them so well, I’m afraid that I will be mistaken and make A+ (a name given for MBLAQ’s fandom) going mad at me. But, all I know is each member of MBLAQ can be good father in the future.

I like this Hello baby season because they have to take care of 3 kids which are multicultural kids. I like multicultural kids because their parents are from different country and it makes them different with other kids who are born from parents who are from the same country. Three kids in this program are Korean but one of each parent is a foreigner. They are all mixed. Those kids are looked good with their fake fathers, MBLAQ. They are a sweet family. (:

Are you curious about this Hello Baby family? Let me give you their picture and some information about them.

Firstly, this is the picture of MBLAQ fathers and the kids.


They are so cute, aren’t they?

And now, I introduce you the kids that I like so much.

Yoon Dayoung


She is a cute and lovely girl. But she is a little bit shy when she meets someone for the first time. But, when you have already been able to get along with her, you will find out that she is a lovely girl. I have not met her personally but that’s what I think when I watch this program.

Yoon Dayoung was born on March, 17th 2008 in Seoul. She is now 4 years old. She is half Korean and half Vietnamese. Here some more picture this little girl who is used to be called Dayoung.

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In this program, she has a father that she like the most among MBLAQ daddies. He is G.O. daddy and here is their picture.



Okay… move on to the next kid.

Lauren Hanna Lunde


She is a cute, sweet and beautiful girl. She likes singing and dancing. You will be mesmerized by her if you watch this program. She is too sweet to be seen. She never cried during the filming, even when one of the kids hit her, she will not cry. Sometimes I think she is just pretty, she never got her MBLAQ daddies exhausted to take care of her.

She was born in Seoul on May, 16th 2008. She will be 4 years old this year. Her mother is Korean and her father is Canadian. She is a model for several advertisements in Korea. Here some more pictures of Lauren.

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Lauren also has a father that she likes the most in this program. She likes Seungho daddies the best among the other member of MBLAQ. Here is a picture of Lauren and Seungho.



Now, we’ve come to the last kid.

Leo William Recipon


He is a cute naughty boy. He likes to run and playing so much. He always makes MBLAQ daddies exhausted to look after him. Even tough he is a little bit naughty; he is actually a cry baby. He is the one who cries the most during the filming of this program.

He was born in Seoul on September, 7th 2008. He is still 3 years old but he will be 4 years old this year. His mother is Korean and his father is French. He is also a model of several advertisements in Korea. Here are some more pictures of Leo.

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Like the other kids, he also has a daddy that he likes so much in this program. He likes Thunder daddy so much. Here is a picture of Leo with Thunder.



That’s all the kids. How do you think about them? They are cute, right? That’s why I like those kids. I you are curious about this program, you can find it easily on youtube. There are also the English subbed for it.

Do you want to know one of MBLAQ member who I like the most in this variety show? It’s Lee Jun! I like him because he is so hot! LOL. You probably think that I am a pervert for thinking like that. Fine! Call me a pervert, because I really think that Lee Jun is hot. But, I have some more reason to like this person. I like the way he takes care of the kids. The kids didn’t like him since the first time they met. But, even though he knew that they don’t like him, he always cares with them. He treated them like they are his real children. He ever said in the interview section that the love he has for the kids is one sided love, but it’s okay for him. He said he will always try to get their love. And finally, he got it!

This Hello baby season 5 has already come to an end now. Last week was the last episode of this season. I was cry so badly when I watched their farewell part. It was so sad and touching.



It was so sad knowing that they have to be separated after all the things they’ve been through in 12 episodes. They have shared love, happiness and tears during the filming of this Hello Baby season 5. I hope they will meet again someday.

If you want to know more about these kids, you can follow their twitter: @YoonDayoungMom @LaurenLunde @RECIPONLEO and you can also follow MBLAQ’s twitter on @MBLAQSH @MBLAQGO @MBLAQCD @BangMir

Last but not least, I will give you some pictures of MBLAQ and the kids when they are in Hello Baby, so you can see how happy they are, when they’re together as a family. I hope you enjoy it. (;

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Winnie the Pooh

Everyone must have known Winnie the Pooh, right? I bet so, because Winnie the Pooh is one of the most popular characters among Disney’s animation movies.

For your information, I am a huge fan of Pooh since elementary school. For me, this is the best animation movie all the time, but unfortunately kids begin to forget about Pooh, because there are lots of animation movies which are more interesting for them. Some of you may think that I’m already too old to watch this kind of stuff, but I don’t care. I just like it.

The first time I watch the movie, it was so long time ago. But recently I think that the main character, Pooh— a fat silly odd bear— was successfully grabbed my attention, not only for his cute appearance that always makes me want to hug him, but also his character that resembles myself so much (you probably think this is funny, but I just can’t lie that our character is the same. I even think that maybe we are twin that have been separated for a long time). 

Some of people who called themselves as adult also may think that Winnie the Pooh is a silly movie, all the character involve there are just stupid. I can’t doubt it. That’s all true. But hey, have you ever really enjoyed that movie? If you have, you definitely know the reason why I like Pooh so much.

If you see the conversation between each character, you will find out that they are sweet characters. The lines that they say are so sweet and have a deep meaning. Here, I have quoted some lines in Winnie the Pooh movie. I got them from and @disneywords

“People who don’t think probably don’t have brains; rather, they have grey fluff that’s blown into their heads by mistake.” — *LOL* I can’t stop laughing when I read this line. That is just me! You know what? My brain is always burning when I think about my exercise. If the exercise is too difficult for me to do, it can suddenly stop working, then you will smell something’s burning and no longer after that you’ll see something like grey fluff popping up from my head like a volcano. Haha. Yeaaa.. I’m sure you can not believe it, I can’t believe it either, but that what’s my friends always say when they see me in that condition. Do you believe it now?

Hey.. Don’t be so serious! Of course that is just a joke. It’s just a metaphor! That’s my way to express my tiny intelligent when I got a difficult exercise from my lecturers. FYI, I’m just an ordinary student in my class, not too smart but not too stupid either. But sometimes I think it may be true that there is no brain in my head, there’s just a ton of grey fluff filled it up.

Here are some more quotes that I think they resemble myself. These lines are said by Pooh.

“For I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”— See? Pooh is just like me! I use to like a simple explanation. If there is someone gives me a long explanation, I often get confuse. So, simple and brief explanation will be more worked for me. *smile*

“Did you ever stop to think, and forget to start again?” — Some of you may think this is a stupid line. Why can’t people live without thinking and forget to start again? But I have different perspective about it. I think, this resembles another bad attitude of mine. Once I stop doing something that I like but suddenly I got boring with it, I often forget to do it again.

“I am short, fat, and proud of that, and so with all my might.” —This is me! I am short and fat like a Pooh. But I am proud with myself.

Next, are some lines that I think they are so damn beautiful! They are all tells about friendship, but some of them are more like the words that can be said to the lover too. Okay, I will give you some quotes about friendship first. Here they are

“It’s always useful to know where a friend-and-relation is, whether you want him or whether you don’t.”

“You can’t stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.”

“A day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey left inside.”

“That’s the story of you and me, the way we’ve always been and we’ll always be friends until the end.”


And here, are also quotes about friendship but you can give it to your lover too.

“Promise me you’ll never forget me because if I thought you would I’d never leave.”

“If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together.. there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart.. I’ll always be with you.”

“If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart, I’ll stay there forever.”

“If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.”

 “I need you to come here and find me ‘cause without you I’m totally lost.”

“Love is taking a few steps backward maybe even more… to give way to the happiness of the person you love.”

They are so sweet, aren’t they? I almost wept when I read those lines for the first time.


And. There are also lines which are funny yet inspiring. They make me think “Yea… it’s true. It may also happen in the real life”. Check it out!

“When you go after honey with a balloon, the great thing is not to let the bees know you’re coming.”

Isn’t that fine?” shouted Winnie the Pooh down to you. “What do I look like?”
“You look like a bear holding on to a balloon,” you said.
“Not,” said Pooh anxiously, “not like a small black cloud in a blue sky?”
“Not very much.”

“It is hard to be brave, when you’re only a Very Small Animal.”

“If the person you are talking to doesn’t appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.”— I like this line so much. It makes me laugh, but it teach me to always think positive.

Next, here some lines which is so much inspiring and so sweetly said, some of them give a sad feeling. Because the end of Winnie the Pooh story tells about Christopher Robbin who was going to leave Pooh and others.

“I used to believe in forever, but forever’s too good to be true.”

“Sometimes, if you stand on the bottom rail of a bridge and lean over to watch the river slipping slowly away beneath you, you will suddenly know everything there is to be known.”

 “Don’t underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.”

“And by and by Christopher Robin came to an end of things, and he was silent, and he sat there, looking out over the world, just wishing it wouldn’t stop.”

“There are words that work like magic. You’ve be amazed at what they do.”

“Sing a happy song whenever things go wrong. Just sing and play the day away and sing your happy song.”

“Sometimes the smallest thing takes up the most room in your heart.”


Finally, these are the last quote I give to you. Some quotes which are like a poem, they even have rhymes.

“Just find a nice spot to rest, the short of spot where thinking’s done best. No relax and put your mind to the test.”

“Curl up with your pillows and blankie. Close your eyes and dream so soft and hazy.”

See? Winnie the Pooh is a great movie. They teach us lots of good things. They teach us to love our friend and live happily without war. No enemies. No haters. Just being friend, because friend is the most precious thing in our life after our family. Friends can also become our family.

That is the reason why I love Winnie the Pooh. It gives us a lot of lesson in life. For kids! I really recommend this movie. You can get so many series of Winnie the Pooh in CDs store. So, grab it fast! (:

Nowadays, I see so many kids are too fast to grow up. Most of them have put some make up on their face and dress like adult. Some of them can even think and talk like adult. I think that’s no good for them since they are still kid. It makes me so sad, because for me, childhood is the most beautiful time in my life. I didn’t feel any sorrow or sadness when I was kid. All I did was playing around with my friend and laugh.

I don’t have any idea what’s on those kids’ mind. Why they want to grow up fast? Haaaaaah… I can’t think anymore. They just don’t know how I miss my childhood so much. If only I could turn back time and live as a happy kid forever.

Prized Possesion

For once in my life, I must’ve been very happy

God gave me the best present in the world

I will never let it go of me.

My precious,

can’t stop being grateful for it.

My prized possession, it’s you.


You are a rainbow after the rain

Fill up my life with your bright colors

When my heart turns black and grey,

the fusion of your colors will make it white again.

The most beautiful gift I cherish.

My favorite— Mother.


You are the north in my compass

Give me the right direction to move

Your needle will always lead me home,

when the wind turns me into wrong way.

The best gift I fond so much.

My idol— Father.


You are a star in the night sky

Light up my world when everything turns dark

You will always shine so brightly,

when I need you to guide my way.

The best companion of my life.

My alter ego— little Brother.


I don’t need to talk too much

Everyone knows what my heart tells about you

You will always be with me.

The soundtrack of my life.

My favorite song ever— Family.